Elizabeth McKee Knox


Descendants of Elizabeth McKee

Generation No. 1

        1.  Elizabeth26 McKee  (Archibald25, Archibald24, Thomas23, James22, Robert21 McKie, Thomas20, Andrew19, John18 McGhie, Alexander17, Alexander16 MacKay, Gilbert15 MacKie, Malcom14 MacKay, Gilbert13 M’Kie, Neill12, John11, Iye10, Martin9 MacKay, Iye Hugh8 MacEthj, Hugh7, Malcolm6 MacEth, Hugh or Angus5, Aoidh4 Heth, Malcolm3 III, Duncan2 I, Crinan of1 Dunkeld) was born Abt. 1745, and died Bef. 1776 in South Carolina.  She married Samuel Knox.  He was born in England.


Notes for Elizabeth McKee:

From Wayne Adams


Name illegible on Archibald’s will but married Samuel KNOX.  Note that Joseph’s

daughter also married  a KNOX and named a son Samuel KNOX.  Archibald KNOX’ son

Samuel used mid-initial  M, possibly to distinguish from a cousin whose same name?

James WITHERSPOON mentioned granddaughter Elizabeth McKEE, daughter of  Archibald and this is

almost certainly the grandchild referred to [Archibald’s estate in 1/5s]



The Mackeys and Allied Families

South Carolina

Chapter II


Elizabeth McKee signed will 2 July 1810; probated 24 July 1810, naming following heirs: Nephews: David Shaw, William Shaw, John Shaw.  To Nieces: Elizabeth Shaw, Lillie Shaw, Sarah Elvira Shaw. Executors: David and John Shaw.  Witnesses: Jenet Ousten, Samuel M. Knox.



Elizabeth McKee renounced her dower 23 Nov. 1846 [Anderson Co. SC Z-165?]


..name illegible on Archibald’s will but m/Samuel KNOX.  Note that Joseph’s daughter also mar. a KNOX

and named a son Samuel KNOX.  Archibald KNOX’ son Samuel used mid-init M, possibly to distinguish

from a cousin w/same name?

..James WITHERSPOON mentioned granddtr. Eliz.McKEE, d/o Archibald and this is almost certainly the

grandchild referred to [Arch.estate in 1/5s]

..Some confusion between Archibald Knox & Samuel Knox lines.  A posting reportedly based at least in

part upon a family bible has Archibald Knox as husb of Joseph McKee’s daughter Ann; then extends it

Elizabeth Knox m/Henry Hanna

Wm. H. Hanna m/ — Humphrey

Perry H. Hamma m/Mary Ann Robinson

Mary Ann Hanna m/Walter Franklin Love

(plus 2 more generations; also takes Hanna’s back to Henry b/2/21/1773)


..GenForum posting by Jules Delambre (6/16/2001 #2330) relates to a Rebecca McKee who m/Samuel

Knox and resided in Williamsburg Co, SC.  They were on the 1790, 1800 and 1810C.  Their son John

Knox was thought to have been born in England <1775 (??) and died 1827 in Amite Co, MS.



Notes for Samuel Knox:

From Wayne Adams


designating him as “I” to distinguish from two Samuels in subsequent gen-

erations – II=his grandson and III=Joseph McKEE’s grandson. [Can’t rule out

II and III being the same person if cousins intermarried.]


I had Samuel’s wife shown as ELIZABETH McKEE who died in SC before 1776 but appears her name

may have been REBECCA?


A Linda McKee Nov 2008 posting on the Knox Genforum  may connect to this branch

“Samuel Knox and REBECCA McKEE appear to have married in England and had a son John Knox (b

before 1775 in England d1827 in Amite Co, MS)  They came to SC and settled in Williamburg Co and

Samuel appears to be listed in the 1790, 1800 and 1810 censuses of Williamsburg Co”  She was

seeking info on either Samuel Knox, Rebecca McKee or their families.


Child of Elizabeth McKee and Samuel Knox is:

+      2                 i.    Archibald27 Knox, died February 1816 in Amite, Mississippi.



Generation No. 2

        2.  Archibald27 Knox (Elizabeth26 McKee, Archibald25, Archibald24, Thomas23, James22, Robert21 McKie, Thomas20, Andrew19, John18 McGhie, Alexander17, Alexander16 MacKay, Gilbert15 MacKie, Malcom14 MacKay, Gilbert13 M’Kie, Neill12, John11, Iye10, Martin9 MacKay, Iye Hugh8 MacEthj, Hugh7, Malcolm6 MacEth, Hugh or Angus5, Aoidh4 Heth, Malcolm3 III, Duncan2 I, Crinan of1 Dunkeld) died February 1816 in Amite, Mississippi.  He married (2) Martha ?.


Notes for Archibald Knox:

From Wayne Adams


Archibald McKEE mentions him as grandson [dec’d mother’s share to him]

Mackeys & Allied Families has extract from his will [dated 13 Feb 1816;probated 1821]




The Mackeys and Allied Families

South Carolina

Chapter II



Archibald Knox [probably grandson named in will of Archibald McKee, deceased of Williamsburg Township] died in Amite County, Mississippi, leaving will signed 13 Feb. 1816; probated 21 May 1821 by William A. Knox.  Estate appraisers, 12 Feb. 1816 by: James Hanna and John Cain.  Martha Knox, wife and administrator with sons-in-law: Alex. Jackson and James Hanna, and step-son-in-law, Hugh W. Cooper.  Children of Archibald Knox by 1st wife were Elizabeth Hanna, Samuel M. Knox, Anna Jackson and Martha Hanna.  Children of Archibald Knox by 2nd wife [Martha] were: Sarah Jackson Knox, Rebecca Adaline Knox, Robert Lowry Knox, and William Alexander Knox. [Casey & Otken: “Amite County, Mississippi 1699-1865”  1-379-410]  Samuel M. Knox, Amite County, signed will 11 June 1827; probated 22 Oct. 1827, naming Anne Reese Knox, and son, Samuel James Witherspoon Knox [minor].  Executors: wife, Anne Reese Knox with friends, Richard Hurst.  Witnesses: Charles McKnight, Lenora C. Witherspoon.

Henry Janna removed to the Mississippi Territory and we find him in Amite County, Mississippi, 9 March 1810, with 163 acres.  He also had a grant of 622 acres in Amite County, 9 July 1816.  Henry Janna ordered by the court to sell Negro slave girl claimed by William F. Hanna and James Hanna, given by their grandfather to their mother, who has since died. [No date of Court Order.]  The will of Henry Hanna was signed 26 July 1820; probated 6 March 1821, naming following children: William Henry Hanna, James Hanna, Elizabeth Martha Hanna [2nd daughter], Anna Latita Hanna [eldest daughter], Nancy Elvira Hanna [youngest daughter].  “To my niece”; Anna Hanna.  Executors: Moses Gordon, Sr., James Hanna “my brother”; John Knox, William Henry Hanna, “my son now under age”.  Witness: John and Robert Nesmith, Zachariah Nettles.  Henry Hannah deceased 6 March 1821, William H. Hanna, guardian of James Hanna [minor]; Moses Gordon, guardian of Nancy Hanna [minor].

Henry Hanna deceased 5 March 1821.  Administrators:  John Lowry, James Denman, Samuel Knox, Daniel McGahey and Stephen Heard.  Estate Appraised at $11, 268.53.  Final settlement 26 Oct. 1821.  Heirs: son, James Hanna; daughters, Anna L. Hanna; Elizabeth Martha Hanna, Nancy Elvira Hanna, William Henry Hanna and Niece: Anna Hanna.


Ann Davis, Amite County, Mississippi, signed will 24 July 1825; probated 22 Aug. 1825.  To: Letticea Thompson Davis “my living daughter under 18 years of age”; “My step-sons”; Elijah McKay Davis, Morgan Davis, Stephen R. Davis.  To my nieces: Letticea Jenkins and Ann Robinson.  To: Jane Hanna and Eliza Hanna, nieces of my brother James Hanna.


Ann Hanner married 18 Sept. 1811, Elijah Davis.




John McCullock of Anderson County, South Carolina signed will 4 Nov. 1806; probated 2 March 1807; naming wife, Elizabeth McCullock, and two step-daughters, Elizabeth Cash and Mary Cash “to have the property of their deceased fathers”.  Executors: James Crowder and John Milford.  Witness: James Crowder, John Milford and David Steel.


Inventory made by James Pettigrew, William McKee, John Milford, Thomas Milford, David Gillespie.


In the final settlement of Estate, Betsy Cash; signed as Betsy McKee, but the name of her husband was not given.  It is probable that she was the wife of Archibald McKee, Sr., since a relationship existed between the Cash family of Anderson District and this branch of the McKee family.




..Extract of Archibald’s will identifies 4 ch.by 1st mar. & 4 by 2nd.


I had tentatively set up an Archibald Knox Sr and Jr to accomodate inconsistencies in research

information BUT NOW CONCLUDE that the Archibald whose will was processed in 1816 was Archibald

the husband of Ann McKee Knox.  Following notes should apply to 1750-1815 Archibald Knox rather

than to his father.  I do not presently have identity of Archibald’s father


..Archibald McKEE mentions him as grandson [dec’d mother’s share to him] Mackeys & Allied Families

has extract fm.his will [dtd.13 Feb 1816;prb.1821]

..Carolyn Canida pulled copy off web — actually signed 10/19/1815

beloved wife Martha Knox (bed, furniture, horse, saddle & bridle) — also joint exec

four children by first wife:

Elizabeth Hanna  — James Hanna, son-in-law as joint exec

Samuel M Knox

Martha Hanna

Anna Jackson    ($1 each) — later mentions son in law Alexander Jackson as joint exec

four youngest children

daughter Sarah Jackson Knox (negro girl Cate plus share)

son Robert Lowrey Knox

son William Alexander Knox

daughter Rebecca Adeline Knox (negro girl Bina plus share)

step son-in-law Hugh W Cooper as joint exec

followed by further distribution to above named


GenForum posting by Jules Delambre (6/16/2001 #2330) relates to a Rebecca McKee who m/Samuel

Knox and resided in Williamsburg Co, SC.  They were on the 1790, 1800 and 1810C.  Their son John

Knox was thought to have been born in England <1775 (??) and died 1827 in Amite Co, MS.


Amite County was formed in 1809 from Wilkinson Co, GA.


The Last Will and Testament of Archibald KNOX, Deceased,


Reorded.  Mississippi Territory of the United States, Amite County.


In the name of God, Amen. I Archibald KNOX of the Territory and County aforesaid being very weak of

body, but of perfect mind and memory, calling to mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is

appointed to all men once to die; do make and ordain this and no other my last will and Testament, that

is to say. Principally and first of all, I commit and resign my soul to God, who gave it, with the hope of its

salvation through the ____ of Christ, my only redeemer, and my body I recommend to the earth, to be

buryed at the discretion of my Executors in a decent and Christian manner, and as touching such worldly

goods as it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life, I bequeath, demise and dispose of the same in

the following manner and form.  First, all my just debts to be paid out of my Estate after my decease, and

before any other disposition be made of the same after which payment I will and devise the whole

balance of my estate to be possessed and enjoyed by my heirs, or legatees, as follows, to wit.  1st – I will

and bequeath unto my beloved wife Martha KNOX, one bed and furniture such as I have, one horse, her

choice of as O possess, and her saddle and bridle to be at her own disposal.

2nd – I give and bequeath unto my four children, by my first wife, viz,

Elizabeth HANNA,

Samuel M. KNOX,

Martha HANNA and


one dollar to each of them, which I deem to them, as their full part and share of my estate,

3rd – I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Jackson KNOX one Negro girl named Cate, to her

and her lawful use.  4th – I give and bequeath unto my daughter Rebecca Adeline KNOX, one Negro girl

named Bina, to her and her lawful use.  5th – I leave unto my beloved wife Martha KNOX, the remainder

of my estate consisting of the following species, or articles of property Viz, Six Negroes with their

increase, that is, Billy, Stephen, Ceasar, Phoebe, Flord, and Candy, also, my Stock of horses cattle and

Hogs, also my household furniture, and any crops that may be on hand at the time of my decease, all

which property I leave and assign unto her the said Martha, She making a prudent use of the same for

her own comfort, and the good of her four youngest children by me; and to remain in her possession and

enjoyment during the time she may think proper to remain my widow; but at her intermarrying again, or at

her death, the above six Negroes already named, Stocks and furniture with all the future increases, I will

and devise to be equally divided amongst my four youngest children Viz, Sarah Jackson KNOX, Robert

Lowrey KNOX, William Alexander KNOX and Rebecca Adeline KNOX, and if any one or more of the four

children should die under age, then their part to be equally divided amongst the survivors and their

mother.  Lastly – I hereby nominate, ordain and appoint as Executors to this my last will and testament,

my beloved wife Martha KNOX during her life of widowhood, but no longer, and with her my Sons-inlaw

Alexander JACKSON and James HANNA and my Step son-inlaw Hugh W. COOPER joint executors.

Signed, Sealed, pronounced and declared by the aforesaid Archibald KNOX as his last will and


the nineteenth day of October in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, and in the

fortieth year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United State of America.

In the presence of John CAIN Angus WILKINSON William CAIN  Mississippi Territory – Amite County –

Personally appeared in open Court Angus WILKINSON and John CAIN subscribing Witnesses to the

within Will, who being duly sworn, that they saw Archibald KNOX, Sign, Seal, and Acknowledge the

within to be his last will …



More About Archibald Knox:

Burial: February 1816


Notes for Martha ?:

From Wayne Adams


Extract of Archibald’s will identifies 4 children by 1st marriage & 4 children by 2nd marriage.


Children of Archibald Knox are:

3                 i.    Elizabeth28 Knox.  She married James Hanna.


Notes for Elizabeth Knox:

From Wayne Adams


Married a HANNA [either Elizabeth or Martha married James HANNA]




+      4                ii.    Samuel M Knox, born Abt. 1800; died Bef. October 1827 in Amite, Mississippi.

5               iii.    Anna Knox.  She married Alex Jackson.


Notes for Anna Knox:

From Wayne Adams


Father’s will gives her surname JACKSON & co-admin Alexander JACKSON, son-in-law.



6               iv.    Martha Knox.

7                v.    Sarah Jackson Knox.

8               vi.    Rebecca Adaline Knox.

9              vii.    Robert Lowry Knox.

10           viii.    William Alexander Knox.


Children of Archibald Knox and Martha ? are:

11               i.    Sarah Jackson28 Knox.

12              ii.    Rebecca Adaline Knox.

13             iii.    Robert Lowry Knox.

14             iv.    William Alexander Knox.



Generation No. 3

        4.  Samuel M28 Knox (Archibald27, Elizabeth26 McKee, Archibald25, Archibald24, Thomas23, James22, Robert21 McKie, Thomas20, Andrew19, John18 McGhie, Alexander17, Alexander16 MacKay, Gilbert15 MacKie, Malcom14 MacKay, Gilbert13 M’Kie, Neill12, John11, Iye10, Martin9 MacKay, Iye Hugh8 MacEthj, Hugh7, Malcolm6 MacEth, Hugh or Angus5, Aoidh4 Heth, Malcolm3 III, Duncan2 I, Crinan of1 Dunkeld) was born Abt. 1800, and died Bef. October 1827 in Amite, Mississippi.  He married Ann McKee, daughter of Joseph McKee and Ann Witherspoon.  She died Aft. April 1810.


Notes for Samuel M Knox:

From Wayne Adams


will extracted in Mackeys & Allied Families p680. “II” to distinguish him

from Joseph McKEE’s grandson but II & III could be same person





Notes for Ann McKee:

From Wayne Adams


From “MACKEY” book info, Ann married a KNOX and had son named Sam; Her

cousin Sam KNOX married an Ann and had son named Sam. Extremely likely [but

not positive] that she married her cousin – tentatively input that way.



..From “MACKEY” book info, Ann married a KNOX and had son named Sam; Her cousin Sam

KNOX married an Ann and had son named Sam. Extremely likely [but not positive] that she

married her cousin – tentatively input that way

..Some confusion between Archibald Knox & Samuel Knox lines.  A posting reportedly based at

least in part upon a family bible has Archibald Knox as husb of Joseph McKee’s daughter Ann;

then extends it

Elizabeth Knox m/Henry Hanna

Wm. H. Hanna m/ — Humphrey

Perry H. Hamma m/Mary Ann Robinson

Mary Ann Hanna m/Walter Franklin Love

(plus 2 more generations; also takes Hanna’s back to Henry b/2/21/1773)

This fits with Joseph’s will granting land upon death of his wife to Henry Hanna of Mississippi

Territory so I am extending her line to include Eliz Knox and descendents

..GenForum posting by Jules Delambre (6/16/2001 #23.




DAR Patriot Index shows that Archibald Knox born c1715; died 12/17/1815 m1/Elizabeth Ann McKee m2

Martha McClellan.  He was a Private serving in SC.

From his will note that Archibald Knox had four (young) children by his second wife as well as the four

he mentions from his first marriage.  From Joseph’s will I had assumed (incorrectly it seems) that Ann

died after April 1810.


..GenForum posting by Jules Delambre (6/16/2001 #23.

..Amite Co, MS will signed 6/11/1826 probated 10/22/1826 —

Sam M Knox mentions wife Ann Knox, son Samuel Knox.  Exrs wife & Richard Hunt; Wit Chas

McKnight & Leonora Wetherspoon.


Cassie Griffin posting showed daughter Anna McKee’s mother as Jeannette Witherspoon b1730 (rather

than Ann McKee d/o Joseph and Ann as I had picked it up) Cassie’s line through Wm Hanna

Anna m/Archibald Knox

their daughter Elizabeth Knox b10/22/1780- d 1819

m/ Henry Hanna b Feb 1773 – d1820

6 known Hanna children = William Hanna b2/1/1801

Joseph McKee Hanna

Anna Letitia Hanna

Elizabeth Martha Hanna

James Hanna

Agnes Elvira Hanna bSep 1819



Children of Samuel Knox and Ann McKee are:

15               i.    Samuel James Witherspoon29 Knox.  He married Mary Scotthorn March 16, 1818 in Adams County, Mississippi.


Notes for Samuel James Witherspoon Knox:


..Note the James Witherspoon middle names.  The marriage of Samuel Knox to Mary

Scotthorn 3/16/1818 in Adams Co, MS may or may not refer to this Samuel but does

not fit for his father (still m/ to Ann when he died) or to Joseph’s son in law (unless 1st

wife died).  Of course it could be a different Knox family.



16              ii.    Elizabeth Knox.

17             iii.    Martha Knox.

18             iv.    Anna Knox, born 1800; died Aft. 1815.  She married Alexander Jackson; died Aft. 1824 in Texas.


Notes for Anna Knox:

Archibald Knox 1815 will distinguishes between the four children of his first marriage

and the four by his second — identifying children by name and we can assume all were

living in 1815.  Anna was the fourth and youngest of the children by his marriage to

Ann McKee. Each was given “one dollar to each of them which I deem to them as their

full part and share of my estate.”  The daughters by his second marriage were each

given “one Negro girl” for their lawful use  The only child for which I have a birth date is

2nd child Elizabeth who was born 10/22/1780 but all four of Ann McKee Knox’ children

were old enough to be married by 1815.

2004 Posting by Dorothy Cox

Archibald’s daughters were Elizabeth, Martha, Anna, Rebecca & Sarah

Anna married Alexander Jackson and migrated to Texas by 1824

Alexander was one of the executors named on the Archibald Knox Will and identified

as his son in law




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