Matilda Ann McKee Bowie

Matilda Ann McKee Bowie’s birth date is listed on her tombstone in Gilgal Methodist Church Cemetery as May 28, 1821. The bible pages showed 1820 (MA)

(One apparantly was passed along to her entries on her husband and children follow entries which appear to e same penmanship as some entries in other Bible.)

Abbeville News and Press     Nov. 25,  1900

Mrs. Henry Bowie

Died at her home about 9 miles from this city last Sunday the 25th.  The deceased had lived to a good old age, and after the trials and labors of a well spent life has been called to her reward.  She was a faithful member of Gilgal Church.  The interment took place in the Cemetery close by on Monday following, in the presence of many sorrowing friends.


Descendants of Matilda Ann McKee

Generation No. 1

     1.  Matilda Ann6 McKee  (William D.5, Michael4, Adam3, Archibald2, Archibald1) was born May 28, 1820 in Abbeville County, South Carolina, and died November 25, 1900 in Abbeville County, South Carolina.  She married Henry Brawner Bowie in Abbeville County, South Carolina, son of Eli Bowie and Katherine Franklin.  He was born June 04, 1821 in Due West,Abbeville  County, South Carolina, and died January 01, 1903 in Abbeville County, South Carolina.

Children of Matilda McKee and Henry Bowie are:

2                 i.    Eli Round7 Bowie.

3        ii.  William Brown Bowie.

4       iii.  George Franklin Bowie, born July 29, 1854 in Abbeville County, South Carolina; died May 12, 1889 in Pickens County, South Carolina.  He married Harriett Nimmons December 14, 1875 in Pickens County, South Carolina; born November 12, 1848 in Pickens County, South Carolina; died in Pickens County, South Carolina.

5       iv.  Pinckney Wilson Bowie, born December 02, 1843 in Gilgal, Abbeville County, South Carolina; died June 20, 1862 in Malvern Hill, Virginia.

6        v.  Augustus Lafayette Bowie, born February 24, 1846 in Gilgal, Abbeville County, South Carolina; died March 03, 1895 in Hagan School Section, Abbeville County, South Carolina.  He married Martha Jane Bowie in Abbeville County, South Carolina; born November 07, 1845 in Abbeville County, South Carolina; died May 23, 1919 in Abbeville County, South Carolina.

7       vi.  Nancy Jane Bowie, born March 31, 1848 in Gilgal, Abbeville County, South Carolina; died September 06, 1921 in Abbeville County, South Carolina.  She married Samuel Erskine Agnew in Abbeville County, South Carolina; died 1874 in Abbeville County, South Carolina.

8      vii.  Elvirah Talitha Bowie, born March 13, 1851 in Gilgal, Abbeville County, South Carolina; died May 22, 1925 in Abbeville County, South Carolina.  She married James Henry Greene in Abbeville County, South Carolina; born April 18, 1849 in Transylvania County, North Carolina; died November 05, 1925 in Abbeville County, South Carolina.

9     viii.  Elzirah Tabitha Bowie, born March 13, 1851 in Gilgal, Abbeville County, South Carolina; died 1851 in Gilgal, Abbeville County, South Carolina.

10     ix.  John Thomas Agnew Bowie, born March 13, 1851 in Gilgal, Abbeville County, South Carolina; died 1851 in Gilgal, Abbeville County, South Carolina.

11      x.  Laura Melissa Bowie, born January 05, 1857 in Gilgal, Abbeville County, South Carolina; died June 01, 1947 in Gilgal, Abbeville County, South Carolina.

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